Welcome to Sew Much Easier

We are SO Passionate about sewing, and we LOVE providing products that Allow You to Create Beautiful things with Your Hands. Easily.
So You Can Relax and Say: "Ahh... So Much Easier!"
Here are 5 things you need to know about us:
We are a local Aussie-owned, family-run business, not some big anonymous chain. We’re here to serve and help you. As an online focused store we do our utmost best to pass on savings and provide you with great products at affordable prices. And we make sure that your goodies are shipped out to you super fast. At each step we keep you updated about what's happening with your order to give you piece of mind that everything's on track and on its way!
We like to give a personal touch with everything we do. We love hearing from our customers and we want to make sure that you’ve had the ultimate experience that you'd be happy to tell a friend about. And we’re human beings too, you can email us any time day or night, or simply pick up the phone and give us a call in during business hours. We are 'closer' than your corner store :-)
We research the HECK out of our products. We write detailed descriptions for all of them and give you heaps of photos from every angle. We’ve also tried them and used them ourselves. So you can be sure you'll know exactly what you're getting and have all your questions answered before and after they arrive.
We love to have fun! We do contests, we do giveaways. Get on our mailing list and be the first to find out about upcoming specials and promotions.
Ultimately all this work is to help YOU enjoy the simple act of sewing and making beautiful things, while getting sewing done more quickly and effectively so you can spend more time enjoying what you've made, and do other things with your life!

You might never need them, but
it's good to know that you can:
Try things out.
When you're not sure if something is right for you, simply order one and try it out. If it doesn't work out for you, we have a 60 Days Money Back Guarantee - so you can simply send it back for a refund or swap.

Our electircal appliances come with full warranties. So please contact us in the unlikely event that things don't go as they should.
It's as simple as that. We've got you covered.
So now you know a bit more about us, why not take a look around and see what you can find to help in your next project. And when you do, we'll be ready to get it out to you asap :-)
Now, What Would YOU like to Create Today?
How Can We Help make it Easier for You?
Take a look at our store now.... you're sure to find something useful.
Click here now to go to our store.
Thank you for dropping by, and have a great day!
About Shelley - Founder of Sew Much Easier

Founder of Sew Much Easier
Good Bye Career, Hello Life....
What's sewing got to do with it, you ask?
A lot. Let me go into it a bit more....
In my former life as a fashion designer holding a senior position, I was working at a family-run boutique fashion house.
I was involved in everything from hiring staff, training them and retaining them, retail sales AND the actual job I was hired to do, which was producing FOUR collections every year. You get the picture.
Quite often I had to put in almost 24 / 7 to meet production and sampling deadlines, because I WAS the business; everything was in my head! I ran on pure adrenalin, with a good measure of stress thrown in.
Then one day I woke up and couldn’t feel the left side of my body.
Have you all seen “Kill Bill”? When Uma Thurman’s character woke up from a coma and had to WILL her body to work, starting from her little toes? Well, I did something like that.
It was weird, because while I could will my toes to wiggle and see my foot moving, I kinda wasn’t feeling them.
Did I panic? Not really. Thinking back, it was more like a sense of disbelief….. I told myself that I must have slept funny and got some bad case of pins-and-needles or something.
Besides, it was 48 hours from one of my deadlines so I simply HAD to be at work - No matter what. So I did.
By the time I got to the doctors a couple of days later, all hell broke loose
I found myself in a flurry of tests – After another attack, when I sat down somewhere and couldn’t stand up again, things took a serious turn.
This was when they told me that I had MS – Multiple Sclerosis. Except they didn’t found enough hard evidence to prove it, so I didn’t qualify for any treatment. I basically got told that my life was over, but nothing could be done because I wasn’t sick enough!
And then I saw my job got advertised. No one from work had bothered to tell me – I saw it in the newspapers.... What a way to find out!
What to do with my life? I was 31, with a mortgage, no job, not sick enough for treatment or benefit. My doctor sat me down and said, "Just take this opportunity to do WHATEVER you love – while you CAN.”
So I got sewing.
By this time I had started teaching patchwork, so I simply continued.
What I didn't expect was the support and stories that came from everyone who turned up at my classes - all these women, from all different walks of life and all different background - each one had their own story to share. Be it health, relationship, family or just life in general.
Everyone, myself included, were finding solace in sewing. Our creative space was our safest sanctuary. I've come to learn that many people have overcome serious medical conditions, or have simply made peace with our body and got on with life. I didn't feel so alone any more.
One of my biggest challenges was losing some fine motor skills in my hands. Prior to this, I loved doing needle-turn applique, and was quite well-know for my tiny, even little stitches. Of course, by this time my stitches weren't tiny any more - and certainly weren't even. So I started focusing on designing pieced quilts, and developed some impressive, but surprisingly beginner-friendly quilts!
How many quilts can you make in a life time? I dunno. All I knew was that I made quilts like there was no tomorrow - and in part, that thought was very real.
I just kept sewing and churning out quilt after quilt - rotary cutting and machine piecing made it all possible. I had sooooo many designs dancing around in my head, I simply had to get them all out... and, at the back of my mind, I wanted to leave as many quilts behind as possible, for people to remember me by........
And strange enough, I got better.
With so many quilts as class samples to go around, my classes filled, and I ended up writing detailed instructions so everyone can take something home. These instructions went on to become my range of quilt patterns... things kind of took off from there.
Did sewing cure me...? Probably not, but I am sure it helped me heal. On so many different levels.
Looking back, getting ill was probably the BEST thing that could have happened to me - it gave me my life back, so I get to sew for another day, or more.
What does sewing mean to YOU?
I'd love to hear your story. Care to share?
P.S. I felt compelled to share my story here with you, because recently a customer called to thank me. She told me that sewing would be part of her rehab to recover from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. I cried. Of joy.
Having heard this from another kindred spirit just made me realised there must be many of us out there, who share the passion of sewing, and it means more to us then a task to be completed or skill to be learned.
Let's share the experience.....